Online Fitness & Health Advice

Category: Fitness

3 Fitness Workouts That Do Not Require Equipment

There are several reasons why some people are averse to taking up an exercise or fitness program, and one of them is the misconception that it is expensive to do so. Many, who would certainly benefit from doing regular exercise, fail to do so as they believe it requires them to take out a gym membership or splash out hundreds of dollars for fitness and exercise equipment.

Nothing could be further from the truth, and the simple fact is, there is absolutely nothing you need to take part in some exercise other than that you wear suitable clothing and have the commitment to do so. Further, there are multiple exercise routines and workouts that you can do that require zero fitness equipment. To prove it, we are going to outline three excellent workout exercises where no specialist equipment is necessary.

One slight caveat is that there are some fitness workouts you can do at home by utilising items that you are likely to already have. For example, o replicate weights, you could use a pile of books, a heavy laundry basket or a toolbox. You can also use items like chairs to lean on or stairs instead of a fitness step. Beyond these, use your imagination, as there are plenty of others.

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How Much Exercise Do You Really Need?

Everyone, no matter your age or gender, needs exercise. At some point, you may even realise that your fitness isn’t up to scratch and that you have to do something about it. But how much exercise do you really need? Is there a golden number or a guideline? Read on to find out.

Exercise for the Average Adult

The Department of Health and Human Services has a figure in mind when it comes to determining how much exercise you need. And that figure is 150 minutes. That is, of course, if you are doing moderate aerobic exercise. However, if you are taking part in vigorous aerobic exercises, then 75 minutes per week is enough to keep your fitness levels at a premium.

In saying that, you shouldn’t just pound the pavement for 150 minutes and call it a week. It’s important to spread that exercise out over the course of the week – even if you can only spare ten minutes here and there to work on your fitness. Some excellent options for those 150 minutes are running, dancing, swimming, walking, and even chores like lawn mowing and gardening.

Alongside aerobic activity, it’s also a good idea to squeeze in some strength training. Work on each of your major muscle groups at least twice per week. This can involve using a weight or resistance to tire out your muscles.

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Taking Care of Tennis Elbow

Taking Care of Tennis Elbow 

In recent years, more and more people are becoming aware that Botox is more than just a cosmetic injectable. It can also be useful for a variety of medical conditions, particularly relating to muscles. Let’s take, for example, someone suffering from tennis elbow. This condition can be debilitating, but could Botox be of assistance? Let’s find out.

What is Tennis Elbow?

Overuse of tendons and muscles in your forearm can result in a condition known as tennis elbow. It causes pain and swelling on the outside area of your elbow, alongside inflammation. Without treatment, this condition can get much, much worse.

Repetitive activity is one of the major causes of this condition. Your forearm muscles are placed under strain, and this causes your tendon fibres to strain at the point where they join from the bone to the outside of your elbow.

Contrary to popular belief that only tennis players get it, that’s not entirely true. Anyone in labour-intensive industries can be at risk, such as plumbers, painters, golfers, and carpenters, for example.

What are the Symptoms of Tennis Elbow?

The most common symptoms of tennis elbow are pain and a burning feeling around the elbow. This pain may radiate down your forearm, and your elbow might be painful to touch. If you grip, rotate, or even grasp your elbow, that may also cause pain. A physical examination from your doctor can offer a diagnosis.

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Fun Exercise to Do with Friends

One of the hardest things about exercise is not so much the act itself, but the motivation for doing it. When you are trying to work on your fitness on your own, it’s hard to get into the right mindset. But what if you got your friends involved and made it a social occasion?

There are many different and fun exercises you can do with those you love. You then not only reap the physical benefits but the mental ones as well.


Whether you’re going for a casual pedal around your city streets or something more exhilarating on a mountain biking track, there’s no denying it can be a rewarding form of exercise. While cycling is a fun pastime on your own, it becomes a social occasion with friends.

What’s more, it’s good for your body. If you bike at a moderate speed of 19km per hour, you can lose up to 298 calories in just half an hour.

Attend a Group Fitness Class

Going to a gym class on your own can be quite daunting at first. You can also struggle with motivation to turn up in the first place. However, if a friend enrols with you, you rely upon each other to attend. You can end up having a lot of fun and getting that much-needed 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise every day.

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How to Heal Strained Muscles from Exercise

Most people are aware of how critical exercise can be for your fitness and health. In saying that, there may come a time when your body says, wow, that was a bit too hard. You may just end up with a strained or pulled muscle as a result. So, what can you do about those pulled and strained muscles so that you can be back in action as soon as possible?

How Do You Pull or Strain a Muscle?

Before we help you take care of your pulled or strained muscle, it’s essential to get to know how they come about in the first place. Extensive pressure, sudden pressure, or overstretching are the most common causes. They can happen during a regular workout or during everyday tasks such as lifting something heavy or moving in a way you don’t usually.

A strained muscle can be quite painful, but it’s also something you can take care of at home. If, however, you feel extreme pain that doesn’t subside, a trip to your doctor may be in order.

How to Know You’ve Pulled a Muscle

When you pull a muscle during exercise, you will most likely know about it. A spasming feeling often follows immediate pain. You may also notice redness, bruising, swelling, weakness, and limited flexibility. The discomfort may also continue long after that muscle or muscles are at rest.

Pain from a strained muscle usually dissipates after a day. However, ongoing discomfort may mean you’ve got a sprain or tear, rather than a strain.

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How to Avoid Shin Splints During Exercise

Have you ever noticed an intense pain in the front of your lower legs, next to your shin bones, during exercise? No matter your fitness level, that pain you’re experiencing may be shin splints, or medial tibial stress syndrome, as the condition is also known.

Shin splints occur when you put too much stress on your tibia, or the muscle next to the tibia, during exercise. High energy exercise programmes and sports can be to blame. However, you can also experience shin splints after a lot of running or jumping.

As painful as they can be, they are not permanent. There are things you can do to avoid them and treat them.


Before you begin exercising, take the time to stretch your hamstrings and calf muscles. Having tight muscles in your legs can put you at a higher risk of suffering from shin splints.

Transition Through Exercises Carefully

Even if you at the top of your game when it comes to fitness, it still pays to transition through exercises carefully. This means avoiding a sudden increase in activity when your body is not expecting it.

When you start running, jumping, and walking, do it gradually over several days. Don’t change up your workout routine drastically because it can be detrimental to your muscles and bones.

Choose Your Surfaces Carefully

Ask anyone who has suffered from shin splints, and they will tell you that hard surfaces like concrete are not doing you any favours. Hard materials can increase how much force your muscles and bones need to absorb during your fitness routine.

Whether you’ve suffered from shin splints in the past, or you want to prevent them, be more particular with your workout surfaces. Where possible, opt for grass, synthetic surfaces, sand, dirt, or even sprung wood flooring.

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